Mht-Cet Topper
Talk With Mht-Cet Topper
How the Topper Prepares for exam??
As you all know that being a topper is a great feeling of satisfaction. As the Mht-Cet topper 2018 Aditya Abhang also admitted in COEP, I was lucky enough to take his short interview and ask him the typical doubts that every student has. Before we start the interview here is my photo with the Cet topper MR. Aditya Abhang.
On the left is Aditya Abhang the Cet topper.
Let Us Start The Discussion With Aditya Abhang The Cet Topper!!
Question 1: From when did you start preparing for Mht-Cet Exam?
Answer: I am from a middle class family, my father is Civil engineer and we keep moving in different cities, but as there was a big mission of cet ahead me, my father decided to stay in Ahemadnagar. I actually started my preparation after 10th standard.
Question 2: Did you joined any tuition or private coaching? What do you think about tuition? Are they compulsory?
Answer: Answering your first question, I joined one private tuition which was Ghonse Academy for Maths, Kandke for Chemistry and Poll for Physics in Ahemadnagar. What I think about tuition is that in my case it helped me a lot. Coming to your 3rd question, I don't think tuition is compulsory, but on the other hand they give you the correct way of thinking and approaching the goal. Tuition people know the correct strategy to proceed. All we need to do is self study. That's all, Success is yours.
Question 3: Who do you think motivated you most during your preparation?
Answer: In one sentence I would say, my mother is the main motivator and supporter in my life. But in this specific case all my family as well as my tuition teachers and my friends helped me a lot.
Question 4 : Did you ever feel depressed during the span of two years? If yes, what you did to get out of it?
Answer: This is the question I was desperately waiting to answer. I think on an average every student in his or her two years of life during preparation gets into depression at least once. I am no exception to this. When I felt depress or even now also whenever I feel depress I think the most viable way to get out of it is to talk to your parents. I also used to talk to my friends whenever I felt depression. I strongly believe that the proper shape and physical form of your body matters a lot. I used to exercise on daily basis. Try to share everything that is penalizing you with your parents or your friends or maybe your teachers. They may help you.
Question 5 : During this two years of preparation, you must have got bored at some point. How did you keep yourself moving? What was your rough strategy?
Answer: What I personally feel is that passing time somehow is definitely not the way out if you are bored. I think we should do something unrelated to study which will reboot our mind and will not consume more than 30 minutes. As I previously told I used to exercise on daily basis which was my way of keeping myself in correct form. I was not good at creating proper timetable and following it. To solve this problem I focused on three main things:
- What is taught yesterday? Revise it.
- What is today's topic? Read it.
- What will be tomorrow's topic? Read it.(Even if I barely understand 10% of it)
Apart from these things I used to solve some mcq questions.
On every weekend there used to be a test scheduled in the coaching, so on Sunday I used to revise everything that's done in whole week.
I think this strategy helped me a lot. Honestly speaking I restricted myself from using mobile phone and watching TV. I used to watch TV at the time of my dinner for 20-30 minutes.
In 11th standard I used to solve lot of physics mcq questions and read Chemistry. I used to practice organic reactions by writing them on the paper. Needless to say but I perfected myself in Physics so much that I solved Physics paper twice during the exam.
Question 6 : What are your future goals?
Answer: My current goal is to complete graduation and then qualify for Civil Services exams. And then become IAS.
Question 7 : How did you prepared yourself for Mht Cet in last one month?
Answer: Till the last month I was completely done with my studies and reading stuff. I used to solve as many question papers as I can in the last one month. I solved over 100 question papers in last one month. I used to solve at least 2 question papers of each subject. So, I think practice helped me to improve my speed greatly.
Question 8 : What would you tell to the future Cet Aspirants?
Answer: My message to all the upcoming Cet Aspirants is that Cet is just an exam. Practice will do wonders for you. So, practice hard and all the best! At start students are reluctant to sit continuously studying and mugging up subjects like Chemistry. Rather I used to continuously switch subjects every hour. As my father says change is the perfect way to take rest.
Feel free to ask your doubts!! I will definitely post another interview with the topper with your questions featured in it. So, comment your question for topper in the comments and the topper will answer them for you!
You are free to ask comments. I will definitely answer them.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much I have one que. U tell about MHt-cet but u can tell me for NEET exam preparation plz.. I requested u plz